
Audio Publishing Partners

Thanks to the generosity of ministries publishing Scripture-based content, the MegaVoice Audio Cloud is the largest multi-language repository of Christian audio content in the world.

MegaVoice sincerely thanks SIL International for their kind permission to use their Ethnologue database on our Audio Cloud search engine since 2009. We are also grateful to our long term partners in the Gospel, Global Recordings Network, for the use of their dialect database and also for recordings in thousands of languages.

As of October 2016, the MegaVoice Audio Cloud has more than 16,900 messages available in 4,600 languages and dialects. All of this amazing content is available to our Ministry Partners for sharing the Good News on MegaVoice audio players with billions of people who cannot read, are blind or visually impaired.

Audio Cloud content can be searched and MP3 clips listened to using our Audio Cloud Search Engine. Once an audio file is identified by an interested Ministry Partner, they can contact our audio team to procure the file for their MegaVoice players.

We also thank our many Audio Publishing Partners who so generously make their audio Scriptures available to our Ministry Partners through the MegaVoice Audio Cloud. The willingness of so many to share their audio recordings through the MegaVoice Audio Cloud has already impacted the lives of an estimated 13 million people around the world.

If your ministry would like to make its Scripture focused audio content available to others through the MegaVoice Audio Cloud, please contact us using the contact panel below.

“We honor the faithful work of these ministries for recording and publishing Scripture audio in so many different languages. Please support these ministries in their ongoing labor of love.” – Charles Cibene, CEO MegaVoice