Your Name*
Your Email*
Confirm Email*
Which product(s) do you need help with? (Select all that apply)*
Envoy Elite
Envoy Echo
Envoy Equip
Envoy Ember
Envoy Elite Z
Envoy Echo Z
Envoy Equip Z
Envoy Ember Z
Envoy 2 Elite
Envoy 2 Echo
Envoy 2 Equip
Envoy 2 Ember
Envoy 2 Elite Z
Envoy 2 Echo Z
Envoy 2 Equip Z
Envoy 2 Ember Z
Envoy S Dual
Envoy S
Envoy ST
Envoy 2 S Dual
Envoy 2 S
Envoy 2 ST
Envoy Connect
Other (Explain Below)
What can we help you with? (Select all that apply)*
Device won't turn on and/or off
Device beeps and does nothing else
Battery and/or charging problems
Audio playback is unusually fast
Preparing and/or loading audio
Audio playback not in desired order
Device “locks up” during use
Device cannot access microSD card/USB flash drive
Computer does not recognize device when connected
Excessive time to load audio/video
Operating the device
Excessive heat from device
Please describe your question or problem. Provide as much detail as possible.*
Name of person or organization that provided the MegaVoice product*
Upload anything (picture, video, screen image, audio file, etc.) that might help us understand your question or problem. 1 file upload per inquiry (limit 15mb). Accepted file types: 7z, avi, doc, docx, gif, gz, jpeg, jpg, log, odt, ogg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, m4a, mov, mp3, mp4, mpg, rar, rtf, sitx, txt, wav, wmv, xls, xlsx, and zip