
Loading Audio Content

Two options for Ministry Partners loading MegaVoice players

MegaVoice Loads Your Players For You

Ministries distributing dozens, hundreds or even thousands of audio players normally have the MegaVoice team do bulk loading for them. Bulk loading remains the most efficient way to load many players at once.

Ministry Partners can use their own audio content, or they can arrange with our team to use audio resources from the MegaVoice Audio Cloud. Partners may also decide to combine their own audio content with ours.

What is the MegaVoice Audio Cloud?

The MegaVoice Audio Cloud is the world’s largest repository of Scripture-based audio content currently hosting more than 16,900 messages in over 4,600 languages and dialects. Use our online search engine to find messages and listen to a 30 second audio clip for each. Messages have reference numbers you can use when speaking to our team.

Ministry Partners interested in MegaVoice doing player bulk loading can easily contact our team by using the message contact form below. We are here to serve you and look forward to helping you reach others with the Good News on MegaVoice solar audio players.

Load Your MegaVoice Players Yourself

If you are a MegaVoice Ministry Partner involved in activities where only a few audio players are required for a task, then you may decide to load audio onto your MegaVoice players yourself.

Before loading, you will need to install the SaberCopy software and use our proprietary connecting cable. Proficiency with a computer is certainly an asset when doing self-loading.

What kind of Ministry Partners opt for self-loading?

Bible translators located on the mission field and Bible Storying teachers working abroad are just two examples of people who might opt to load players themselves. Many translators like those with SIL/Wycliffe in Vanuatu like to record their most recent translation work and then get feedback from their indigenous team.

Ministry Partners considering doing their own player loading should discuss their specific needs with the MegaVoice team using the contact form below. We are here to serve you and look forward to helping you reach others with the Good News on MegaVoice solar audio players.

Whether you choose to have MegaVoice bulk load your players, or you opt to load them yourself, we are here to serve your vision.
Visit our Audio Cloud Search Engine to check out Scripture audio content, and be sure to learn more about our solar audio Bible players here.


Please visit our Tools & Utilities page for a full list of links that will help when loading audio content onto your MegaVoice players.

Contact The Audio Team

Please fill out all fields of the form below and we will be in touch shortly.

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Country*

    What can we help with?* (Select all that apply)

    Your Message