
Audio Bible

MegaVoice is known the world over as a leading source of solar audio Bibles for ministry work among non-readers and unreached people groups. These digital audio MP3 type audio Bible players are also used for humanitarian and educational purposes by NGOs and relief organizations. The number of options and features of our audio Bibles is increasing, allowing Christian ministries to reach more and more people with the Gospel – no matter what language they speak or where they live.

This rugged, little, solar audio Bible is being used worldwide to communicate with non-readers, illiterate, visually impaired and blind people. Because the MegaVoice is solar powered, our audio Bibles are totally independent of electricity. Solar powered is a valuable feature in countries like India where millions are without electrical power. And as the natural disasters occur, the MegaVoice audio Bible keeps on speaking the comfort of God’s Word in spite of the fact that most electrical systems in the country can be badly damaged.