
Solar Audio Bibles

Equipping our Partners to fulfill the
Great Commission so all people may engage
with the Word of God in their own language

The MegaVoice Audio/Video Cloud is a searchable database of thousands of Scripture audio files for use on MegaVoice solar powered audio players.

Matthew 28:19-20 – The Great Commission

After his resurrection from the dead, Jesus told his disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

For almost 2,000 years, Jesus’ words have directed His followers to reach people everywhere with the Good News. By 2015, 2.3 billion people, almost a third of the world’s population, identified itself as Christian. While that is certainly an encouraging figure, the task assigned to the Church to reach every language group is yet to be completed.

The world’s 7,100 languages are spoken by 7.4 billion people, more than half of whom are oral learners – people who are unable to read or prefer to learn by listening. If people cannot read, or choose not to, the Bible’s redemptive message remains silent. That is why, in 1988, our founders felt called to break the silence by creating the first solar powered audio Bible. 30 years later, thanks to distribution efforts by hundreds of partnering ministries, God’s redemptive message on MegaVoice audio Bibles has been heard by millions of people speaking thousands of languages.

Finishing the task – Together we can do it!

MegaVoice serves the global Church with affordable, technologically advanced solar powered audio Bibles and digital accessories. The Envoy 2 E Series is our most advanced line of solar audio devices available. Four versions, the Elite, Echo, Equip and Ember, are now available for purchase.

By God’s grace, and working for His glory, together we will help finish the Great Commission. If you or your ministry would like to know more, please contact us.

MegaVoice Audio Bible Solar Powered Envoy 2 Elite Z Front

Solar Audio Bible

MegaVoice Audio Bible Solar Powered Envoy 2 Ember Front

Solar Audio Bible

MegaVoice Audio Bible Solar Powered Envoy 2 S Dual Front

Solar Audio Bible

MegaVoice Audio Bible Solar Powered Envoy 2 S Front

Solar Audio Bible

MegaVoice Audio Bible Solar Powered Envoy 2 Elite Z Front

Solar Audio Bible

MegaVoice Audio Bible Solar Powered Envoy 2 Ember Front

Solar Audio Bible

MegaVoice Audio Bible Solar Powered Envoy 2 S Dual Front

Solar Audio Bible

MegaVoice Audio Bible Solar Powered Envoy 2 S Front

Solar Audio Bible